Welcome to the English 4th grade Blog!

Welcome to the Fourth Grade English Blog!
Have fun while you learn English!

Unit 4

In Unit 4 we learn how to describe things using possessive pronouns that answer the question (Whose is this?) and adverbs that answer the question (How did you do this?)  For example:  The blue jumper is mine.  The red one is yours.  Walk slowly down the corridor, but run fast when you play football! 

Let´s start by learning some vocabulary that goes along with the dialogue on page 30 in our text.











Posessive Pronouns tell us who something belongs to.  They answer the question "Whose is it?" 

Posessive Adjectives                                Possessive pronouns

It´s my jacket.                                            It´s mine.

They´re your trainers.                                 They´re yours.

It´s his racket.                                            It´s his.

It´s her water bottle.                                   The water bottle is hers.

They´re our trophies.                                 They´re ours.

It´s their rucksack.                                     The rucksack is theirs.

Click on the star below to practice using possesive pronouns!

We also learned about adverbs.  Just as we use adjectives to describe nouns (person/place/thing), we use adverbs to describe verbs (actions)

Adjective                            Example            Change                Adverbs
most adjective                          slow                 + -ly                    slowly

ends consonant + -y               healthy              + -ily                     healthily

Some adverbs are irregular.  Good changes to well and fast becomes fast.
We put adverbs at the end of a sentence or after a verb.  

He runs slowly.  She walks fast

Adverbs answer the question "How did they do it?"

How did he run?  He ran slowly.
How did she walk?  She walked fast. 

Here´s a fun game to practice adjectives and adverbs.  Remember these are the words that describe!!!

Review game for past tense.  This is really neat!! Just click on the rocket ship :) 

click on the video to hear a fun song about adverbs! Do it QUICKLY, HAPPILY and CAREFULLY! ;) 

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