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Unit 10

Unit 10: I´ve printed my  homework





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Grammar Bites:  

We use the present perfect for actions in the past that are still true now.

ve tidied my room.  (This means that the room is tidy now.)

Present perfect = have/has + past participle

Regular past participles = printed, saved, logged off

Irregular past participles = make- made, put- put

Click on this link to play a game :) click here!

Grammar Bite 2:

Present perfect: questions, answers and negatives

Have you seen my new speakers?
No, I haven´t. Please show me.

Has she done her homework
Yes, she has. But she hasn´t printed the document. 

Here is a quick quiz to practice asking questions using the present perfect

Click on this link and write the questions, then check your answers!

Would you like to practice your listening skills?  Here´s a great story about a grumpy little man!

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