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Welcome to the Fourth Grade English Blog!
Have fun while you learn English!

Unit 9





the news




remote control

TV programme 

mobile phone

Grammar Bites 

We use to + base form of the verb for a purpose or a reson.

I turned on the TV to watch sports.

I go to school to learn new things.

I eat fruits and vegetables to stay healthy

Give it  a try below.  Match to form sentences (check your answers below). 

1. He went to the swimming pool                                                              a. to buy eggs.
2. Sandra went to the supermarket                                                           b. to watch TV.
3. Jaime brought a book                                                                            c. to play in the water.
4. They were sitting down                                                                           d. to call  my friend.
5. I use my mobile phone                                                                            e. to study for the exam.

1. c, 2. a, 3.e, 4. b, 5. d

Grammar Bites 2: How often?

How often do you watch TV?
I watch it every day.
I watch it three times a week.
I never watch TV.
I watch a documentary once a week.
I buy a new CD twice a year.

0x- never
3x- three times
4x- four times
every day/week/month/year

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss´Birthday!  He is the 

author of How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Here is  a video to watch of The Cat in the 


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